Monday, January 12, 2009

Respect vs. Recognition... just a thought

Respect vs. Recognition 

I had an interesting thought the other day while watching the Golden Globe Awards (btw, Slumdog Millionaire won 4 awards yay! and SRK was there and so was A.R.R :-)

Self Respect -

That feeling of empowerment,

The freedom, the confidence to follow your heart 

Despite what the rest of the world says.

The thought that you have the power to do anything,

When nothing can get you down,

Because you know you are worth something


Your name on the lips of the world,

Numerous awards collected in your hands,

The world's expectations

Impsoed on your life. 

Choices stifled, 

Trying to please,

Everyone except yourself. 

I'm not saying that recognition is bad, but is it worth anything when self-respect is lacking. Look at all the stars, all the people who waste away through drug abuse, alcohol, suicide etc. If they had an ounce of self-respect, its much less unlikely that they would have made those choices.

You don't need anyone to validate your wrods, your actions, or just who you are, when you have the respect for yourself, the notion that you are somebody whether or not the whole world knows you. 

A street urchin in the slums of Mumbai can have the utmost respect for himself, and have more happiness and self worth than a world famous movie star who has won myriad awards. This aspect of life has nothing to do with material wealth.

If one has self respect, then that respect for oneself is also reflected in all the people around them. With self respect, not only do you deem yourself worthy, everybody else becomes someone, not just somebody. This is a gift we can give ourselves, and whcih will benefit eveyrone.

I'm still learning not to measure my self-worth thorugh grades or accomplishments, but I can say that even if I haven't completley figured myself our, I do have some self-respect, and all I ask from myself is for that acceptance. Because i know that if I can accept everyting about myself, then the rest of the wrold will too. 

All for now! Leheria 

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