Thursday, January 22, 2009

Bliss Like An Azure Blue Sky

Now, I understand what those spiritual books say, about the world being an illusion... but - its to the world that is the illusion, it is the divisions which we create, between people, between nature, and the boundaries we impose on everything around us.
I just had to capture this immense feeling that I felt while revising a report for school today. I'm starting to look at myself more as a human being than an 'Indian' or an 'American' or an 'Indian American'.

Like An Azure Blue Sky

They often say that we have a heart, a heart that shares all the universal emotions. I knew that it existed, and regardless of the emotion, I’d always feel something in my chest, as if there really was a heart that could literally feel each emotion.

But now, I can feel it opening – no it is not just opening, its wide open, almost… vulnerable. However vulnerable, it feels so wonderful. There is certain softness, a certain warmth, a certain happiness that no material pleasure can ever match.

It’s like looking up at the dazzling blue sky, lush green grass peeking at you from the corner of your eye, and a warm breeze carrying the scent of a summer evening.

It’s a feeling that none other can equal, a feeling that does not have a name but that is incredible.

There is no feeling of negativity, not a feeling of despair, no pain, no dreary shroud of gray clouds. I feel this immense compassion and love towards everyone, to myself even. To a point where I don’t see the division.

There’s no Indian, no American, no Chinese, no African, no British. There is no black, no white, no straight, no gay, no criminal, no hero. There are only smiles. Anyone can smile, any person. There is no division that can suppress a smile.

There is so much beauty everywhere, even in the ugly things we see. At the end of it all, we all do have that heart, that invisible yet existent heart of emotion that we aren’t always aware of.

Wait… I’m not even sure if this is some emotional heart. Yes, it is a feeling, a feeling that I can feel pumping through my veins, but one that also changes the state of my mind, and hits me to the core.

It feels endless, not like a deep, endless pit of sorrow, but like an endless completeness. A unity that never ceases to be broken, that is stronger than any division, than any machine gun, than any swear word.

With this happiness, like the sweetest of honeys, filling me, I can’t bear to treat anyone with disrespect, to frown upon a person I see as ‘weird’ or unfit. I find it hard to even imagine fighting with anyone, and I wonder, how could I have been so moody and ill tempered?

Does this all sound like gibberish to you? Maybe it does, but we all have our time to understand. Some of us have that switch turned on fully at birth; some of us have it half way turned on. Some of us never have it turned on in life until much later, and for some, it comes naturally, almost unconsciously.

Even I’m not so sure what this is, but I know it is wonderful and diving, something I should have realized before. I know that I want to caress this feeling in my heart forever, keep it there and never let it leave me. I don’t have a name for it, and neither do I want to give it a name. For names cause division. It is just that precious feeling, of true happiness.

If there is a god, sitting up there, then I think that feeling is that god. Except, that god is inside me, not up there. And if it is not god, it is that feeling, or that divine power which some have named ‘god’.

But I can say this for sure, there is something as happiness, as beauty, as bliss, and it is real, never ending, and beyond anything else I have ever experienced or seen.

Leheria :-)

Thursday, January 15, 2009

One Voice; one of the few songs that absolutely floored me

As I'm a die hard music lover, especially of Indian music and any type of Indo-Western pop/hip hop (I'm not sure what the exact genre is called), I found this Indo-Canadian group called The Bilz and Kashif who are absolutely AMAZING! Previously, I'd only heard a few of their more fun, dance, club-type songs, which I thoroughly enjoyed as they were very energetic, but recently on the website Desi Hits, I found out about there new song called One Voice.
One Voice floored me during the first listen; Each line made my jaw drop in awe. It is in absolutley powerful song with a mix of Indian flavor combined with mainstream pop and with a strong message.
Apparently, it was inspired after the group's visit to India. But the song is about the power of 'one voice' to make a difference in the world. It urged every one of us to stand up to change, and to speak out. It touched me deeply not only because the lyrics were so inspirational, but because every aspect of the song has something to do with what I stand for.
The fact that the Gayatri mantra and specific phrases which pertains to Indian classical music were used int he song reminded me of the great influence from India, Indian culture and music in my life. Then of course, the more mainstream pop feeling of the song is like the American world I live in. And the lyrics - the most important part - are everything I stand for in my life. 
The song also shows the power of music. Its set to a beat that you'd find on any radio station, very mainstream. 
 Music is a gift from the divine to human kind, and it can be used in any way. Some artists use it for money and selfish motives, others simply enjoy music, while even others want to send a very specific message to people everywhere. Music CAN make a difference, after all, its all about evoking that feeling in a person's heart. 

The Bilz and Kashif hit the nail on the head, and they have made me their loyal fans too:-)
This is their song, it is a MUST LISTEN, an absolutely inspirational song!


Monday, January 12, 2009

Respect vs. Recognition... just a thought

Respect vs. Recognition 

I had an interesting thought the other day while watching the Golden Globe Awards (btw, Slumdog Millionaire won 4 awards yay! and SRK was there and so was A.R.R :-)

Self Respect -

That feeling of empowerment,

The freedom, the confidence to follow your heart 

Despite what the rest of the world says.

The thought that you have the power to do anything,

When nothing can get you down,

Because you know you are worth something


Your name on the lips of the world,

Numerous awards collected in your hands,

The world's expectations

Impsoed on your life. 

Choices stifled, 

Trying to please,

Everyone except yourself. 

I'm not saying that recognition is bad, but is it worth anything when self-respect is lacking. Look at all the stars, all the people who waste away through drug abuse, alcohol, suicide etc. If they had an ounce of self-respect, its much less unlikely that they would have made those choices.

You don't need anyone to validate your wrods, your actions, or just who you are, when you have the respect for yourself, the notion that you are somebody whether or not the whole world knows you. 

A street urchin in the slums of Mumbai can have the utmost respect for himself, and have more happiness and self worth than a world famous movie star who has won myriad awards. This aspect of life has nothing to do with material wealth.

If one has self respect, then that respect for oneself is also reflected in all the people around them. With self respect, not only do you deem yourself worthy, everybody else becomes someone, not just somebody. This is a gift we can give ourselves, and whcih will benefit eveyrone.

I'm still learning not to measure my self-worth thorugh grades or accomplishments, but I can say that even if I haven't completley figured myself our, I do have some self-respect, and all I ask from myself is for that acceptance. Because i know that if I can accept everyting about myself, then the rest of the wrold will too. 

All for now! Leheria 

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Can I Ask You A Question World?

I was listening to an old Hindi song on youtube, scrolling down through the comments. What I read disturbed me quite a bit, as there was much swearing and no end to put downs between Indians and Pakistanis. It got me quite upset about the state of people's minds. 
The song wasn't even a song that could instigate any argument, its lyrics were only about yearning for the homeland. I thoguht it was quite pathetic that such audacious comments followed a wonderful, emotionally deep song. 

Can I ask the world something?

I ask just this; stop for a moment, and let your chattering thoughts quieten. I ask you all to look at each other. Do you see a pair of shining eyes? Do you see a pair of open ears? Do you see a mouth, turned up into a welcoming smile? Do you see two hands that can hold your own? Do you see two feet that can walk beside your own?

Can you see a heart, much like your own, yearning for happiness, for love and for peace?

Do you see yourself reflected in eyes much like your own?


Or do you see chocolate colored skin? Almond shaped eyes?  Do you see the nationality of an Indian, Palestinian, Mexican or American? Do you see a Muslim, a Jew, a Hindu or a Christian? Do you see a cold lump of coal, lodged deep in their chest, filled with hatred, cynicism, and violence?

Do you see yourself in eyes which you think not to be like your own?


Are we all not human beings first? Or are we part of a religion, then a nationality? Are we all for each other, a people united together? Or are we first for our own interests, and then for the interests of others?


Let me ask you, Pakistan, are you so insecure that you must put down your neighbor, India, instead of rising up and proving to the world that you are much more? Let me ask you, India, are you so full of yourself that you point fingers at your neighbor Pakistan?

How about you, Israel, are you so full of fear that you are ready to take the lives of people who deserve much more than a life full of fear and death? People who are much like your own people?

And you, Palestine, are you so full of pride that even as your neighbor’s actions terrify your people, you hide and ignore the cries for help and hope?


I ask you all, to throw aside your religion, your nationality, your hatred and disrespect toward one another, and look with your own eyes. Eyes that have not been brainwashed by primitive, negative feelings, eyes that do not know to judge, that do not know to discriminate. I ask you to smile with lips that will not spit out abusive words and accusations. I ask you to take on the world with open arms. I ask you to see every one as a human being, with the same hands, legs, eyes and heart as you. I ask you to feel everyone’s emotions, the absolute same as yours.


I ask you to rise above your anger, hatred, insecurity and pride, and see the same within each other, instead of the differences. I ask you to see yourself in everyone around you


And then, I ask you to see your differences, but keeping in mind your similarities. I ask you to acknowledge that differences to exist on the outside, but that inside we are all one and the same.


I ask you to make this simple realization, whatever it takes. And then I ask you, world, to find your own path from there.